I help people like you discover how to make a difference for the Kingdom of God.

If you would like your life to make a Kingdom difference in the world but feel disempowered, or feel that the Great Commission is only for church workers, evangelists or missionaries, then you’ve come to the right place.


(this questionnaire has no Christian vocab and the gifting terminology is expanded so that they relate to everyone!
e.g., apostolic = visionary, entrepreneurial, pioneer)

Many Christians want their lives to have a Kingdom Purpose.

They want to know their life has meaning and significance…and it does!

But, many people have:

  • never taken the time to discover how God has made them
  • believed that only those in ‘full-time ministry’ can make a kingdom difference
  • believed their interests and life passion can’t be used by God for his Kingdom.

Tragically, most churches don’t teach people how to discover their purpose in life. 

Christians are exhorted to ‘live for God’s Kingdom’, but are not given the tools to do so, or taught what living for God’s Kingdom really means Monday through Friday.


This is one reason why surveys indicate that
most Christians feel disempowered!

This is also why Kingdom Purpose Coaching exists.

It has been said that ‘the greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without purpose.’

I believe the greatest tragedy for a Christian is to go through life without knowing and fulfilling their Kingdom purpose.

Every believer has a Kingdom Calling.

Every believer has a Kingdom Purpose.

Your mission and purpose in life fits within God’s global Kingdom mission and purpose.

We are made to live for something bigger than ourselves which is the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God is the creation of a new world where life submitted to King Jesus brings justice and everything comes into alignment with God’s original design and purpose.

It is about the flourishing of individuals, families, societies and whole nations.

This is the good news (the gospel) of the Kingdom!

I would love to help you discover and live out your Kingdom Purpose utilising my unique Life P.U.R.P.O.S.E. Profile.™

By exploring key areas of your ‘design’ such as your passions, core values, strengths (natural abilities, skills, spiritual gifts), and experiences, you will receive revelation and clarity on who you are and why God put you on the planet!

This is the kind of thing I can help you with, so if you’re ready to set up a 30-minute Zoom consult to find out more and see if we’re a good fit, then click below and let’s arrange a time to talk.


“In a very real way, Stuart’s coaching has provided the elusive ‘missing link’ I felt for years between blending my strengths and passions with my field of work.”
– G.W., Sports Leadership Trainer



God has a divine plan and purpose for every person who is conceived on this Earth.

In fact, the Bible states that before the foundation of the world God saw us in his heart and set us apart.

The Reverend

I was blessed growing up in a strong Christian family, with the heritage of a family who loved and served God.

Growing up, my grandfather always used to call me ‘the Reverend’.  Maybe this was because he noticed in me an early interest in the things of God.  I always seemed to have a love for the Word of God.

In 1983, while I was at a Bible Week in the south of England, I strongly sensed the call of God on my life.  I knew I was called to preach and I also felt that it would involve travel.  Little did I know that it would involve overseas mission, and I certainly did not have any interest in China.  I knew nothing of missions as I grew up.

My life changed dramatically in 1995.  I gave up a great career in a top 100 UK plc and my wife and I ‘sold up’ and embarked on some missionary training with the largest mission organisation in the world.

During our School of Frontier Missions it became clear that we should move to China, with our three very young children in tow.

We pioneered in China for several years and then returned to the UK where we had a very fruitful Chinese student ministry.

Our training had prepared us well to raise up indigenous leaders.  In other words, not to do everything ourselves but to set alight the fire of God in others.

We started Catalyst Ministries in order to promote and encourage Christians to fulfil their part in the Great Commission.

Years before, Michelle and I had been given a word about being ‘catalysts’.  A dictionary definition of a catalyst is ‘a person who causes or promotes change by their presence in a situation or their input into it’.  It involves getting things started, initiating, pioneering, starting a chain reaction.

I first had to become a movie star

In 2007 we returned to Asia and were based in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Little did I realise I was about to become a movie star!

Well, not quite, but I did end up as Lead Actor in a docudrama that later won a Gold Remi award at an international film festival.

Now this is where my coaching journey really started.

While filming in the U.S., I met a life coach.  This led to me getting some training in becoming a coach.

I also became a certified consultant for the gold standard in performance assessment – the Highlands Ability Battery.

Cleaning People’s Windows

I once had a word spoken over me that I would clean other people’s windows, helping them to see more clearly.

I never imagined I would be a window-cleaner.

Window cleaners can have a tough time of it.  Heights, ladder climbing, cold or blustery weather, awkwardly positioned windows, occupants not at home meaning payment is delayed, as well as the monotony of endless windows and a lot of sweaty labour.

To get to this point of being able to clean other people’s windows, it’s been tough, and has involved some tears, required a lot of faith and just plain holding on!

As well as pioneering in China, Michelle and I have lived in several other countries, moved more times than we care to remember, lived off-grid in a desert in Arizona alongside the Navajo tribe, and are now preparing to live off-grid in a field in Wales!  We have three children and nine grandchildren, all living in the U.S.

But, coming back to window cleaning…

Jesus wants to clean our windows so we can see the Father more clearly and share him with others.

He also wants us to see who he has made us to be and our purpose within his Kingdom mission on Earth.

His Kingdom work is not just for missionaries like me.  It’s for everyone, including YOU!

So, whether I’m teaching, writing books, doing a podcast, or coaching, I have a passion to see people empowered in their lives, discover how they are ‘hard-wired’ (their design) and what they do best (their best contribution). 

7 Keys to Unlocking Your Life Purpose bookI have helped people from around the world and facilitate this process using my very own P.U.R.P.O.S.E. Profile™ as described in my book, 7 Keys to Unlocking Your Life P.U.R.P.O.S.E.

And, of course, the whole coaching process is carried out within God’s big purpose of advancing his Kingdom – his will and intentions – on planet Earth.

Continue reading “About”


Congratulations in taking your next step to discovering and living out your Kingdom Purpose!

Seriously, I mean that just by contacting me you are demonstrating you are committed to doing your part by engaging with God’s Kingdom mission project in the world.


Please use the form below to contact me and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

I look forward to hearing from you!


£50 per hour.  20% discount if book 5 sessions.

Special price of £299 for Highlands Ability Battery including 3 hour consultation.

Discounts available for non-profits and voluntary overseas workers.