Think about when you last chose a holiday, a car or bought a new computer. You probably spent a great deal of time researching and gathering information, speaking to experts and friends, weighing up different options to try and ensure you made the right choice.
However, when people choose a career, whether it be their first job or a career change, they can restrict their choice to what they think they can do based on looking at adverts. They do this without really knowing whether this is a job that matches their natural abilities and will fit with their personality, personal work style and values, not to mention their lifetime goals.
A great deal of dissatisfaction at work can be traced to having strong talents that you never use. You therefore owe it to yourself to find out what natural talents and abilities you have been blessed with, and then identify careers to which they would be well suited.
Everyone is born with a range of abilities unique to him or her. It’s fair to say that these abilities are essentially hardwired. They mature during infancy and can be measured in most individuals after the age of fourteen.
Discovering your natural abilities is a fundamental step towards being successful and satisfied in whatever work you invest your life into.
Everyone can benefit from the Highlands Ability Battery. Whether you are a student seeking guidance for your studies or a possible career path, or an adult who wants to enhance your career, relieve work stress or change your career direction, the Highlands Ability Battery is the place to start.
Rather than relying on self-reporting or assessments by friends and associates, the Highlands Ability Battery is a unique, objective assessment of your natural abilities and gives you a clear and powerful picture
of who you really are.
From career explorers to career changers, HAB clients include:
- Parents who are looking for resources to guide their kids.
- 30, 40, 50-somethings who are on the verge of burning out in their careers desperate for change.
- People forced into early retirement who wonder what might be left to give.
The Highlands Ability Battery (HAB) has proven itself—across the globe and through countless success stories—since 1992. Individuals, Talent Development professionals, school and university counsellors, career coaches, religious leaders, and other career professionals have all experienced life-changing results after taking the HAB.
I am one of the very few coaches in the UK, certified by The Highlands Company, to deliver the Highlands Ability Battery assessments and workshops. To find out more, please contact me.
Highlands Ability Battery special price: only £299!
You will receive:
- introduction and assessment process instructions
- code for online assessment (takes around 3 hours to complete, not necessary in one-sitting)
- several detailed reports of the results
- an comprehensive 3 hour consultation to go through and apply your results, plus links for further
Take a sample of the HAB at the Highlands homepage.