What is Life Coaching?
Coaching is an ongoing intentional conversation that empowers a person or group to fully live out their potential.
A decision to have a Life Coach is a decision to move your life forward towards becoming the person you want to be.
You recognise that inviting someone – a life coach – into the process will accelerate your learning and personal development, and cause you to reach those places you wouldn’t reach by yourself.
- Personalised learning
- Focus on you and your agenda
- Do-able action steps
- Immediate results
It’s tough to develop without help. With coaching you get to see your blind spots in a safe environment.
Who Benefits from Life Coaching?
Anyone can benefit from life coaching at any time in their life. You may especially benefit from life coaching when…
- You’ve long held a cherished dream, and you’re beginning to wonder if you’ll ever realise it
- You’d like balance in your life
- You’re in transition
- You want to realise your full potential
- You feel like you’re merely existing, and you want to live
- Life is good, and some areas such as work, relationships, health, or personal growth could be even better
- You simply want more
- My specific coaching niche is helping people discover and live out their Kingdom Purpose
What are the Benefits of Coaching?
Coaching works because it brings out the best in you.
Studies show coaching produces 300% better results than training alone. A coach will support you in learning and creating your own best answers and in the actions that will reshape your life. You will…
- Gain focus
- Move from vision to action
- Achieve goals faster
- Make better decisions
- Broaden your perspective for innovative solutions
- Create momentum and realise the benefits that come from synergy
- Learn new skills to launch you forward
Which Parts of My Life does Coaching Cover?
Life coaching can address your whole life, depending on what the client wants (it might be health, work, money, a relationship, personal growth, physical environment, friends and family, fun and recreation, or something else).
As you will know by now, my coaching focus is KINGDOM PURPOSE.
For this I like to use my own Life P.U.R.P.O.S.E. ™ profile in my coaching which considers 7 factors that interact and should be considered as part of a whole person approach.
This tool can then be used to create a Personal Vision, or a mission statement that represents who you are and your Kingdom Purpose.
What’s the Difference between Coaching and Mentoring?
When one person empowers another, it can be done one of two ways. You either share some of your power with someone else, or you draw out some of another person’s own power that is on the inside of them.
The focus of coaching is on the latter, helping to draw out of a person the insights, discoveries, solutions, and potential, that is already there, but yet untapped.
Mentoring is imparting to you what I have inside of me;
coaching is drawing out of you what you have inside of you.
What should I Expect if I Work with You as My Coach?
Working with a coach usually generates accelerated personal growth.
I’m here to help you discover and live out your Kingdom Purpose.
As we talk you will find yourself significantly benefiting in your thinking, actions, and learning. Part of working with me as your coach is that I will ask a lot of you, and probably more than you would ask of yourself.
To effectively steward your divine gifts and discover your true purpose – your life assignment – you must first align yourself with your divine inner compass.
Discovering your kingdom purpose is a process, a journey that continues throughout our lives. As we seek God and take faith steps along the way, He will reveal to us who He has made us to be. He is at work in us both to be willing to do and to carry out His good purpose for our lives.
There are some things we can do to help us in our journey of discovery. Like any good designer, there is a purpose behind how our own designer, God, has made us.
Discovering our design through Kingdom Purpose Coaching will aid us in recognising our purpose.
In my first book, Empowered! Discovering Your Place in God’s Story, there is a whole section devoted to practical steps to help you discover and engage in your life purpose – your ‘calling’ – based on the acronym S.H.A.P.E.
One area considered is our natural abilities and talents. To understand our ‘hard-wiring’ there is no better tool than the Highlands Ability Battery.
My most recent book, 7 Keys to Unlocking Your Life P.U.R.P.O.S.E. – Discovering Your Destiny by Understanding Your Design, takes the reader through my own unique and more comprehensive Life Purpose Profile – based on the acronym P.U.R.P.O.S.E.
For those of Christian faith, the Holy Spirit is invited into the coaching process to bring new clarity, insights, direction, and understanding.
How does Coaching Work?
Each session we will connect via video chat (e.g. Zoom) or by phone. Face-to-face coaching is possible for those living within travelling distance, but video coaching allows coaching to take place wherever you are in the world, is flexible in terms of time (taking into account different time zones!), and avoids any travel costs.
Together we will set the agenda for the session based on what you want to learn. I will listen, ask questions, encourage, challenge, expand, and support you. You will leave each session with homework – several action points for you to do before our next session. This is not homework like in school but tasks, actions, results or changes that you are telling yourself and your coach (me) that you will do your best to complete before our next session.
How Do I Know if Coaching will Work for Me?
Coaching works best when there is a significant gap between what you have and what you want. It may be a gap of awareness, a gap that manifests itself in frustration or a sense on the inside that something in your life is missing. It may be a gap where change is required.
Is there a gap that you want to fill?
The best way to really understand life coaching is by experiencing it. Why not contact me for a free 30 minute consult to help you decide if you would like me to coach you?
What Others are Saying
“Ever since I started taking coaching sessions with Stuart I have seen a lot of unclear ideas in my head come into focus. Being able to ‘talk’ and express my ideas and feelings for these things with somebody who doesn’t give direct advice but instead ‘asks’ the right questions to stimulate my thinking even more, has just been wonderful to me. These coaching sessions have energized and focused me in what I am called to do.” – J.C., overseas cross-cultural worker
“Thank you for the life coaching you have been giving me. I have found it really helpful having someone to bounce ideas off and verbally process some plans and goals. In the questions you have been asking me I have been able to think about choices I am making in a new and fresh way, especially by putting action points to suggestions. You have enabled me to start making concrete plans to fit these ideas and goals. It has also been helpful in the fact that I can no longer procrastinate when I have a suggestion, as you have helped me take the first steps to seeing action happen. I have found your advice helpful both in my work life as well as my personal life.” – S.T., artist
“My time with Stuart has been very worthwhile and effective. He was able to guide me in discovering my strengths and helped me apply the insights to my current career goals and objectives. In a very real way, Stuart’s coaching has provided the elusive ‘missing link’ I felt for years between blending my strengths and passions with my field of work.” – G.W., Sports Leadership Trainer
“Coaching with Stuart was extremely helpful for me. It came during one of the most difficult times of my life. A time of uncertainty, confusion, and pain. Stuart was able to help me see through the fog with his excellent listening skills, powerful questions, insights and wisdom that were both practical and helpful. I looked forward to each week’s coaching session and would always feel like I had gained courage, clarity, and hope by the end. I would highly recommend, Stuart to anyone. I imagine I will be chatting again with him. Thank you so much for your genuine care and encouragement, Stuart!” – M.O., entrepreneur